Found standing at one of the irrigation canals on one of the auto tour loops at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge - during Festival of the Cranes, November 2008.

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Posted by
Mary C
11:05 PM
Tags: Bird Photography Weekly, Bosque del Apache, great blue heron, New Mexico
Los Gatos-San Jose |
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I like the Great Blue Heron too. I enjoy their ability and skill of having patience.
Yay! You know I love those GBHs!
Great shots, Mary!
I think the 2nd photo shows his feathers as nicely as the first one. The Great Blue Heron is so awesome, because they do let us get close enough to see how large they are.
Natural Moments, thank you for stopping by and commenting. I forgot about their patience. I got a kick out of hearing about this bird at the visitor center. People were saying that is his territory and could be found in that same spot 2-3 times a day.
Mary, don't you love how these birds take off in flight? As a matter of fact, most large birds are fun to watch taking off.
Hi Leedra. It is cool how we can get fairly close to these birds, but I've also seen them on the wary side, or getting spooked, and take off quickly.
This is truly a lovely bird.Your puctures show it well.It seems that in our area they are quite wary and don't often allow one to get very close.
Hi Ruth. There is such elegance in a bird of that size. It's good to know other bloggers notice this bird's wariness. I wonder if some of them that aren't wary are found where there is more human traffic around.
The GBH is one of my favorite birds to spot when we go fishing. My husband and I both stop fishing and watch if we spot the Great Blue Heron. Your photos of the herons are wonderful with such clear details!
Your first photo is really great showing all that detail of the feathers. A beautiful bird.
Thanks, Linda. Do the GBH's get close enough for a photo or do they keep their distance when you and you husband are fishing? Something tells me you're fishing from a boat, or are you on the banks?
Thanks, Mick. I'll stop by your post in a little bit.
I love GBHs, and it was nice as my first stop on my BPW blogging journey today. Also, the sunshine makes it look so nice and warm. :)
I love them too. I saw one the other day when I was staking out the river for the Barnacle Goose. It amazes me that they came stay up here in the frozen north as long as there is open water. He looked more disheveled than your bird though.
Hola Mary :)
Such 'elegant' birds!
Great photographs!!
Hi Sparverius - thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad I could oblige for one of your favorite birds. ;o)
Hi Bev. I guess cold freezing temps don't necessarily bother these birds? I guess as long as they can find food - but then, that goes for all birds, doesn't it?
Thanks, Mel!
Very nice shots, thanks for sharing.
Regina In Pictures
Very beautiful birds. Nice photos. :)))
Guy D AND animtreebird - thank you both for stopping by and commenting. I'll be sure to stop by your blogs, too.
A very beautiful bitd and so well captured with his feathers, markings and face pwefwctly captured. I love his little skull cap.
Great Blue herons always look so majestic. Nice photos!
Arija and B&C K - thank you!
For some reason this one from last week is the link in Mr. Linky for #20
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